Press releases

Corporate & other activities, Finance
Paris, 9 March 2016
Pierre Leroy and Thierry Funck-Brentano reappointed as Co-Managing Partners of Lagardère SCA
Pursuant to the decision taken by the General and Managing Partners (Arnaud Lagardère and Arco), approved today by the Supervisory Board, the corporate officers representing Arco, which has been reappointed as Managing Partner of Lagardère SCA for a six-year term, are now and for the same term:
Arnaud Lagardère, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer;
Pierre Leroy, Deputy Chairman and Chief Operating Officer;
Thierry Funck-Brentano, Chief Operating Officer.
Pierre Leroy and Thierry Funck-Brentano are therefore, in their above capacities and in accordance with Lagardère terminology, Co-Managing Partners of Lagardère SCA.
Bruno Balaire appointed Chief Financial Officer of the Lagardère group
Arnaud Lagardère has decided to appoint:
– Bruno Balaire(1) as Chief Financial Officer of the Lagardère group.
His appointment will take effect in the next few weeks.
– Florence Lonis(2) as Chief of Investor Relations.
Her appointment will take effect from 16 March 2016.
Dominique D’Hinnin, whose term as Co-Managing Partner has not been renewed, is intending to pursue other opportunities outside the Group.
Arnaud Lagardère would like to thank Dominique D’Hinnin for his dedication as head of the Group’s Finance Department and for all of his work over the last 26 years to support the Group’s development.
(1)Bruno BALAIRE, 48 years old, is a qualified accountant and holds a Master’s degree in economic science and management and an Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) degree. Since 2000, he has been a partner at the international audit and consultancy firm MAZARS, which has 17,000 people in 77 countries. At MAZARS, he is currently Global Head of the Media, Information & Entertainment department and co-director of business development for Industry & Services. In that role, he has led statutory audits for some major corporations, including LAGARDÈRE SCA between 2008 and 2013. Accordingly, he has in-depth knowledge of our Group, its financial characteristics and its issues. His work has given him a high level of technical experience and proven skills in international management (USA and Africa). With his team, he has published the following:
– 2012: Flexibility and innovation resilience in the European Media Sector.
– 2013: Global transition in the Age of Digital Media.
(2)Florence LONIS, 50 years old, has a postgraduate degree in corporate law and tax from the University of Nancy and a postgraduate degree in corporate law from the University of Bologna in Italy. She was appointed Deputy General Counsel in 2011. She was previously General Counsel in the Lagardère Active division. Before joining the Group, Florence LONIS held General Counsel roles in the new technology and media sector, as General Counsel for SUN MICROSYSTEMS Southern Europe and General Counsel for Europe, Middle East, and Africa at APPLE COMPUTER at the time when the Apple Retail Store, iTunes Music Store and Apple Online Store were launched.
Press Contact
Ramzi KHIROUN - tel. +33 1 40 69 16 33 -
The Lagardère group is a global leader in content production and distribution whose powerful brands leverage its virtual and physical networks to attract and enjoy qualified audiences.
It is structured around four business lines: Books and e-Books; Travel Retail; Press, Audiovisual, Digital and Advertising Sales Brokerage; Sports and Entertainment.
Lagardère shares are listed on Euronext Paris.
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