Press releases
Doctissimo consolidates its leading position in the family segment
Archives Lagardère Active
May 25, 2012
With 8.6 million unique visitors in April 2012
(source: Médiamétrie/NetRatings), Doctissimo performed extremely well this month and consolidated its leading position with a 15% increase over April 2011.
Through the creation of a “Family/Parents” offering, Doctissimo has immediately taken first place in this category.
After being designated France’s favourite website in the “Family” category (NetObserver® study) in February 2012, has focused on this segment with the creation of a “Family” package that has received 3.5 million unique visitors. This new package will allow the market to evaluate the strength and legitimacy of the website’s offering for this segment.
For Valérie Brouchoud, CEO of Doctissimo, “These results reinforce Doctissimo’s strategy with regard to our female targets and our desire to address Internet users’ day-to-day concerns.”
Press contact:
Delphine Marçais de Segonzac - +33 (0)1 47 23 19 66
About Doctissimo, Internet users' prime health and well-being partner, attracts over 8.5 million unique visitors every month.* As the family's favourite site, Doctissimo provides both expert information and spaces where its 2.5 million community members can meet and share. Doctissimo is owned by Lagardère and has a presence in four countries.
About Médiamétrie/NetRatings
The Médiamétrie/NetRatings panel supplies publishers, agencies and advertisers with the French Internet audience's results and ratings.
About NetObserver®
With over 800 participating sites and more than 300,000 respondents annually, NetObserver® is Europe's largest Internet behaviour-monitoring agency, through which the Harris Interactive Institute provides free information essential to all Internet players (content-based and commercial websites and advertising brokerages). Operating online since 1998 in France and since 2000 in the rest of Europe, NetObserver® monitors trends in the profiles and practices of European Internet users aged 15 and up, regardless of their connection point, for the markets in France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom.
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