Hachette Livre creates the book of tomorrow with start-upsThe aim of the Hachette Innovation Program (HIP) is to spread a culture of innovation across all areas of Hachette Livre. Our approach consists of establishing links between the world of new technologies and the world of books. Within this framework, through a partnership with Blue Factory, ESCP Europe’s business incubator, we work with companies that come up with innovative ideas suited to the publishing value chain. For example, we organised a call for projects, at the end of which we selected two companies whose projects generated interest from publishers: Celestory and Inédits. Celestory is developing a tool to create, without coding, interactive scenarios in the form of apps (chatbots, video games, voice applications). Inédits is developing a collaborative writing platform called “Les arbres d’Inédits”. For six months, Hachette Livre offers the two start-ups space to work and support within the Blue Factory.Above all, each start-up receives help from a publisher to develop their project: Celestory is supported by Myriam Héricier, Director of Hachette Jeunesse Licences, and Inédits is suppor ed by Véronique Cardi, President of Éditions JC Lattès. This allows them to test out their solutions and draw on the expertise and experience of the teams at Hachette Livre. In return, the publishers learn about start-ups and their approach to innovation. Our aim is for this to be a productive union for all involved. |