A board that listens to the wider communityAs it does every year, the Supervisory Board’s Appointments, Remuneration and Governance Committee closely monitored the development of our Group’s CSR strategy. This is characterised by two fundamental trends. The first is increasing compliance constraints in terms of CSR. The application of the Non-Financial Information Statement requirement in 2019 calls for a new CSR approach based on risks and opportunities, in addition to materiality analysis of our CSR priorities. This approach takes the form of specific mapping of CSR risks, as well as work to integrate this into the Group’s risk mapping, done in collaboration with the Risk Management and Audit Department. The application of the law concerning duty of care has also resulted in the drawing up of a duty of care plan, while the introduction of the GDPR in May 2018 and the law on combating corruption has resulted in the development of specific procedures. The second trend is growing expectations on the part of society, including the demand for equality between women and men, prompting the Group to take even more action in this already important area, in particular by taking part in various initiatives to combat sexism. More than ever, the wider community’s demand for greater environmental responsibility, transparency and meaning has led the Lagardère group to make CSR a central part of its strategy. |