Duty of care plan rolled out in stages2018 was the first year of the rollout of the duty of care plan drawn up by the Group in the second half of 2017 following the mapping of risks relating to the activities of suppliers and subcontractors. This risk mapping allowed for the identification of seven main procurement categories that are most likely to give rise to risks in terms of personal health and safety, human rights and also the environment. The Group’s entities then rolled out their individual action plans in the light of their activities. This meant focusing initially on suppliers and subcontractors involved in the highest-risk procurement categories and present in countries considered to be the most exposed to CSR risk and representing the highest amount of procurement spending. This prioritization resulted around 40 suppliers being assessed over the course of the year via the Group’s partner Ecovadis, which is responsible for analysis their level of CSR maturity on behalf of the Group. The adoption of our duty of care plan also provided the opportunity to organise an awareness-raising morning in February 2018 for legal, compliance, procurement, CSR and risk management teams across the Group, as well as a number of decision-makers and operating staff. This event was the opportunity to raise awareness among the employees present of the priorities relating to duty of care, and above all to share the best practices already in place within the Group. |