Le Journal du Dimanche takes responsibilityIn 2018, Le Journal du Dimanche launched a partnership (the fourth in six years) with students from nine well-known journalism schools in the provinces of France. The goal is to help them find employment during their final year of training (each week, the newspaper publishes one of their articles on a positive subject), give them visibility and help them financially, as each contribution is paid for. It is also a way of better covering regional news. Le Journal du Dimanche has continued to open its doors to young journalists and in 2018 doubled the number of apprentices alternating between study and editorial work. In addition, for the first time, the newspaper partnered Les Assises du Journalisme (with France Télévisions, Radio France and France Médias Monde), which is the main reflective event on the industry and a forum for debate with the public. During these times when information raises questions, it is important to talk to readers about the newspaper’s responsibilities. Lastly, Le Journal du Dimanche has taken action to combat violence against women by publishing Muriel Robin’s appeal on the front page and – something that is rare for a neutral newspaper like this – strongly supporting this cause, as highlighted by Managing Editor Hervé Gattegno in an editorial. It has also devoted the front page to wage inequalities and strives to be even more attentive to featuring women (experts or public figures) in the newspaper. |