Le Livre de Poche : the best way of democratising readingLoyal to the original aims of Le Livre de Poche, my desire with the whole team is to support the democratisation of reading. For the last five years, we’ve headed to the beaches to talk to readers thanks to the “Camion qui livre”, a mobile bookstore that tours the French coast to attract new fans. We also work with Unicef to support its mission to educate the 128 million children not in school around the world by publishing unpublished works, with a proportion of funds paid back to them. Still with a view to democratising reading, which remains the best way of fighting the withholding of knowledge, in 2017 we launched the “Tournament of words” in partnership with Le Labo des histoires. This is an inter-regional literary improvisation competition that puts teams of secondary school children up against each other using words from cult works published by Le Livre de Poche. Delphine de Vigan agreed to sponsor the most recent event, intended to feed young adults’ appetite for words, writing and reading. It is more important than ever to show them that a pencil and a book can create an experience just as exhilarating and enriching as television or video games. To remain the ideal companion for every occasion, Le Livre de Poche invests in all traditional and less traditional cultural venues indoors and outdoors, hoping to offer countless new generations their first emotional reading experience. |