Disability: Lagardère Travel Retail makes a commitment to young people in ItalyCSR has always been a priority for Lagardère Travel Retail Italy. Since 2018, a nationwide programme has been in place with AIPD (Associazione Italiana Persone Down) with the aim of including young people with Down’s syndrome (trisomy 21) in the company’s teams by offering them internships in our stores and restaurants. As part of this partnership, we have had the pleasure of receiving two young interns this year: Ilaria, in our Aelia Duty Free store at Rome-Fiumicino airport, and Mattia, in our Emporio del Grano restaurant at Venice airport. At the end of her trial period, Lagardère Travel Retail extended Ilaria’s internship. Meanwhile, Mattia was hired on an apprenticeship contract. He is now Assistant Chef in our restaurant. In addition to this partnership, Lagardère Travel Retail Italy supports research into cancer treatment, collecting donations at its stores to the Fondation Umberto Veronesi. We also support Bambin Gesù hospital in Rome, funding the purchase and maintenance of two home-care equipped vehicles for children with serious diseases. |