Jonathan Potiez
Head of Development and Marketing, Lagardère Live Entertainment

Inclusion is a central concern for Lagardère Live Entertainment
At Lagardère Live Entertainment, our main aim is to contribute daily to creating lasting and authentic memories that captivate audiences. And because our core business consists of bringing people together, we take great care to ensure that our experiences are accessible to everyone.
Within this framework and following on from our involvement in World Autism Awareness Day, the teams at Lagardère Live Entertainment have joined forces with the Bassin d’Arcachon Autism SESSAD1 (ADAPEI 33) to set up collaborative workshops at Arkéa Arena on the inclusion of people with ASD2 and/or with sensory issues.
These discussions have resulted in the development of “Special Guest” sensory kits made up of tools to help reduce anxiety among people with ASD before and during an event, while also providing support with the emotional experience that can result from attending a live event.
In addition to these solutions, there is also a dedicated route through the building and a relaxation area for those requiring a moment of quiet.
Since these improved measures were introduced, a number of families and users have been able to go to an event venue together for the first time and enjoy the unparalleled experience that only live performance can offer. We now hope that this initiative will be echoed more widely at other venues and help to create a fairer and more inclusive society.
“A number of families and users have been able to go to an event venue together for the first time and enjoy the unparalleled experience that only live performance can offer.”
Jonathan Potiez
1 Service d’Éducation Spécialisé et de Soins À Domicile (Specialist Education and Home Care Service).
2 Autism Spectrum Disorders