Press releases
A new presence on the Internet for TeamLagardère

Archives Lagardère Sports and Entertainment
Paris, October 11, 2007
TeamLagardère announces the launch of its new website:
Created entirely with Flash technology and very strongly focused on images and movement, this new website aims to accurately reflect the ambitious athletic policy initiated by the Lagardère group in 2005.
The site’s objectives are to showcase and promote TeamLagardère’s people, initiatives and activities, all dedicated to serving athletes. It will eventually produce and distribute sports content focusing on scientific contributions in the areas of fitness training and coaching assistance for top-level athletes. illustrates the activities and services provided by TeamLagardère with a dynamic, modern approach through an ambitious design effort that enhances the site’s content.
The innovative, avant-garde nature of TeamLagardère is spotlighted and enhanced via the numerous videos that enrich the site, as well as through its extremely dynamic design treatment.
The site showcases TeamLagardère athletes – Richard Gasquet, Paul-Henri Mathieu, Amélie Mauresmo, Julien Benneteau and more – as well as their athletic careers and performance results in real time.
The team’s associate partners (Le Coq Sportif, Sony, Subaru and Kiria) are also prominently featured, with an accent on their involvement and contributions to the success of TeamLagardère.
The site has a section devoted to breaking news – “Headlines” – that presents and showcases the performance results of TeamLagardère athletes, as well as recent developments of a general nature involving TeamLagardère (news briefs, articles, press releases and more). There will also be a weekly newsletter focusing on recent developments concerning TeamLagardère and its athletes. This content was developed via a partnership with Newsweb, the publisher of the sites and
The site also has a “TeamTV” section, an online video library that includes all the video content produced by TeamLagardère and, in particular, the short programmes in the Des Hommes de Sport series, which was broadcast last spring on French television channels TF1 and Eurosport.
Produced by the teams of Digitas/Business Interactif, this site is an extension of the Lagardère group’s new visual identity campaign and its ongoing development of interactive communications, initiated with the launch of the new Lagardè website in June 2007.
A breeding ground for future champions, TeamLagardère is an innovative entity providing professional-level coaching assistance at its facility located at the Paris Jean Bouin club. TeamLagardère includes a centre for sports-related scientific expertise that brings together the most advanced levels of technical skill in the areas of research, training and coaching. It also aims to identify young hopefuls at its facility in Sophia Antipolis on the French Riviera by offering them a dual path of excellence: sports performance and personal development. TeamLagardère offers a personalized response to top-level athletes by providing them with educational assistance and monitoring, training and retraining programmes, depending on their age and professional career path.
Digitas/Business Interactif
About Digitas France
Digitas France offers expertise in the areas of design, marketing, technology and media for the drafting and implementation of global digital strategies: one-to-one digital relationship marketing, e-advertising, recruitment and loyalty-building e-mail campaigns, sponsored links, natural referencing, affiliation programmes, viral marketing, social media marketing, buzz marketing, online surveys, website creation and more. Its customers include Airbus, Areva, Baccarat, Bic, Bouygues Construction, Center Parcs, Club Med, Chronopost, Conforama, the International Olympic Committee, Descamps, EDF, Eden Park, Lancôme, Lagardère, L’Oréal, Nestlé, Groupe PPR, Groupe SEB, Renault, Société Générale and Vente-Privé Webformance, the leading European provider of natural referencing services, and iBase, a leader in e-mail marketing, are specialized departments of Digitas France.
About Digitas Inc
Digitas is a world leader in the interactive communications and marketing sector. Digitas’ marketing solutions combine expertise (analyses, media, measurement, strategy and technology) and an artistic component (perspective and creativity), with the aim of supporting, developing and maximizing the economic potential of customer relations. Digitas also works with Prodigious Worldwide, a digital production company. Digitas is a member of Groupe Publicis S.A., based in Paris (Euronext Paris: FR0000130577 and NYSE: PUB), the world’s fourth-largest communications group and second-largest consulting and media purchasing group.
Press contacts: TeamLagardère
Gilles Lorin de Reure – +33 (0)1 40 69 17 04 –
Gaël Demenet – +33 (0)1 40 69 13 90 –
Press contacts: Digitas
Cécile Collin – +33 (0)1 49 68 12 11 –
Gwendoline Porte – +33 (0)1 56 21 19 91 –
TeamLagardère Website :
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