Press releases
Appointment of Jean-Pierre ELKABBACH

Archives Lagardère Active
Paris, April 8, 2005
Arnaud Lagardère, General Partner and Chief Executive Officer of Lagardere SCA and Chairman and CEO of Lagardere Active (the Group’s audiovisual division), wishing to promote the development of EUROPE 1’s organizational structure, has entrusted its management to Jean-Pierre Elkabbach, who has been appointed a director of Lagardere Active Broadcast.
EUROPE 1, which has been successfully turned around by Jérôme Bellay since his arrival in 1996 as the station’s Managing Director, in a difficult environment for general-interest radio stations, is thus beginning a new stage in its development.
Arnaud Lagardère affirmed, “Jérôme is highly creative, as revealed by the launches of France INFO, LCI and the development of EUROPE 1 at Lagardere Active. The latter remains the company’s flagship station. He successfully reshaped the EUROPE 1 concept thanks to a rejuvenated and independent editorial staff in full accordance with my desires and intentions.”
In the context of his growth strategy for the audiovisual division, Arnaud Lagardere has asked Jérôme Bellay to devote himself exclusively to the production of television programs through the company, Maximal Productions, of which he is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, with the objective of accelerating its development through the expansion of its activities. This follows the example of such established successes as “C dans l’air” hosted by Yves Calvi.
Jérôme Bellay will continue as a director of Lagardere Active Broadcast and a member of the Management Committee of Lagardere Active.
Jean-Pierre Elkabbach, who assumes his functions at EUROPE 1 as of today, will put together his team.
Press Contact - Lagardere Active:
Olivier Guiguet - Directeur de la Communication - Tel: 33 1 47 23 14 02
Laurence Dupré - Responsable du Service de Presse - Tel 33 1 47 23 16 84
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