Press releases
Belfast : Aelia gets a foothold in the UK !

Lagardère Travel Retail
Paris, October 11 2004
Aelia is about to open its first point of sales outside France
Aelia won a tender for a concession at Belfast international airport, in Northern Ireland, and is about to open its first point of sales outside France. The Aelia teams have been working the creation of a brand-new store concept, of 500sq meters.
This point of sales will offer a complete range of products for travellers : Alcohol, tobacco, perfumes/cosmetics, a Virgin corner, a Guiness corner (inevitable in Ireland!), gourmet and souvernir local products. A new concept ” Jewellery Terner” will be introduced in that store, where passengers will discover a high number fashion items priced 12 £ each.
Opening is planned for November.
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