Press releases
Doctissimo: a favourite site for Internet users

Archives Lagardère Active
Paris, February 17, 2012
NetObserver®, Europe’s largest Internet trend-monitoring agency, has just revealed the results of polling on Internet users’ favourite sites. took first place in the Family category (which comprises parenting, maternity and health sites, among others). came out on top with the very wide margin of nearly 34% of the 11,161 votes submitted. also took second place in the Women’s category.
This is the second time that has received an award from NetObserver®. In July 2011, Doctissimo won the Label of Excellence, which confirmed the site’s high editorial quality.
According to Valérie Brouchoud, head of Doctissimo, “This overwhelming approval rating from our website visitors demonstrates their confidence in our uncompromising editorial standards and our efforts to remain as close as possible to the concerns of our audience. More than ever, we believe in the incredible rich experiences of others as a source of knowledge and collective well-being.”
With nearly 8 million unique visitors in December, is the leading French health and well-being website (Mediametrie Netratings, December 2011).
Press contact
Pamela Deneuville - +33 (0)1 41 34 89 57 - e-mail:
These rankings were based on votes cast by regular website visitors in each of the nine site categories established by Harris Interactive for this polling of French website visitors on their favourite sites. Between 11,161 and 29,811 website visitors, depending on the category, cast votes for their favourite sites in a category they were familiar with. They were recruited online, via on-site interception techniques and newsletters, through the polling system set up by the NetObserver® survey, which was conducted from 19 September to 18 December 2011. During this 2011 autumn sweeps period, NetObserver® drew on the responses of a sample of over 100,000 individuals representing the population of Internet users aged 15 and up residing in metropolitan France. In order to eliminate all bias related to the polling methodology on the websites or via the newsletters of the NetObserver® survey's partners, no respondents from the site or the newsletter of a partner falling into one of the nine categories surveyed were solicited to vote for their favourite site in that category.
About NetObserver®
With over 800 participating sites and more than 300,000 respondents annually, NetObserver® is Europe's largest Internet behaviour-monitoring agency, through which the Harris Interactive institute provides free information essential for all Internet players (content-based websites, commercial websites and advertising brokerages). Operating online since 1998 in France and since 2000 in the rest of Europe, NetObserver® monitors trends in the profiles and practices of Internet users aged 15 and up, regardless of their connection point, for the following European markets: France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. The information collected by NetObserver goes well beyond the audience and performance data measured by web analytics tools, adservers or audience panels by helping to understand visitors' behaviour. The information can be broken down into four types: detailed socio-demographic profiles, online practices and attitudes, offline behaviour and visitor commitment and satisfaction.
About Harris Interactive
Harris Interactive is a leading market research institute (the world's sixth-largest ad hoc research company). Its French entity, founded in 1995 by Nathalie Perrio-Combeaux and Patrick Van Bloeme under the name Novatris, joined the group in March 2004.
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