Press releases innovates with the launch of a new video advertising format: Docplayer

Archives Lagardère Active
Paris, January 18, 2012 has launched a new video distribution format, Docplayer, which features an exclusive interface combined with a video player.
Attention was paid to the player’s opening mechanism to ensure that it was seamlessly integrated into the site: .
Capped at 1 in general rotation, Docplayer can reach up to a million web users per day.
“It allows much higher video distribution quality compared to the in-stream volumes generally available on other content sites,” comments sales director François Haget.
This advertising innovation represents a true opportunity for powerful, highly targeted coverage of the women’s segment.
The leader among health and well-being websites, Doctissimo is also the top women’s site with 8.2 million unique visitors (Médiamétrie Netratings November 2011).
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Paméla Deneuville - +33 (0)1 41 34 89 57 -
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