Press releases
ELLE will see a change on 28 February…

Archives Lagardère Active
Paris, February 27, 2014
ELLE magazine is reasserting its identity and boosting its image.
A stronger editorial voice, more opinionated content, a clearer stylistic identity, a sharper look at society and a host of new writers…
ELLE is stepping up its commitment and leadership on behalf of women, with all-new energy and excitement.
ELLE Magazine: an object of desire that you’ll want to read… and reread, thanks to:
A surprising cover each week, featuring a strong image and a fresh topic.
- ELLE Info : a comprehensive look at modern life that explains the latest news and information in a more stripped-down, energetic graphic style.
- The magazine offers a different pace, a different way of reading : investigations, portraits, reporting. The text is the focus of attention, backed by strong images. More than ever, ELLE will be thinking aloud, asking questions, interpreting the society around us and the trends that fascinate women.
- Fashion and beauty : the ELLE style will be at the forefront, described more compellingly than ever. To give ELLE an even clearer identity, the magazine has introduced a new fashion director and a new design and style director.
Says Valérie Toranian, editorial director and brand manager for the ELLE brand:
“ELLE has constantly renewed itself by taking its graphic and esthetic cues from the changing world around it. But it has never lost sight of its founding principles:
Energy, optimism, excitement, a strong point of view – and the inexhaustible curiosity of its editorial staff. The strength of ELLE magazine lies in its very human concerns. Subjectivity, writing, commitment, passion and a bit of a mad streak, all to be found in personnel that are unafraid to tackle the challenges of our time. You say the world is changing? All the better – we’re changing, too.”
Says Constance Benqué, managing director for high-end women’s titles:
“The ELLE brand is continually reinventing its various forms of expression, but always faithful to its DNA. Now the magazine is changing once again so as to always stay ahead of the game as an object of desire for its readers. The new ELLE will showcase its brands to even better advantage.”
The magazine : The leading high-end women’s weekly, with over 2 million readers* and paid weekly circulation in France of 369,965 copies.**.
International editions (including France) that attract more than 33 million readers: : 45 editions of ELLE in 44 countries, 25 editions of ELLE Decoration, four editions of ELLE à Table, two editions of ELLE Girl and four editions of ELLE Men.***.
Non-media brand licensing activities in France and worldwide (LAE)
- : the premier high-end women’s print-media website in Responsive Web Design, with 2,411,000 unique visitors (Médiamétrie Nielsen, fixed Internet, December 2013) and 31.2 million page views per month (source: AT Internet, December 2003).
- The Daily ELLE : the daily website for fashion with a unique, innovative, offbeat concept that’s become a must-visit for the fashion world in just a few short months.
- The ELLE mobile and tablet applications : the ELLE, ELLE Astro and ELLE à Table apps.
- An active, involved community on social media: :
Twitter : 530 000 followers
Facebook : 485 000 fans
Pinterest : 14 643 subscribers
Instagram : 24 766 followers
Google + : 67 412 et Vine 9 000 subscribers. - Major events and prestigious awards :
PrésidentiELLE, ELLE Active, ELLE Aime la Mode, ELLE en Scène, The Grand Prix Cinéma ELLE, The Grand Prix des Lectrices ELLE, the ELLE International Beauty Awards and more. - The ELLE corporate foundation : established in 2004 by Valérie Toranian to promote women’s empowerment, the foundation was the winner of an ADMICAL corporate philanthropy award in December 2012.
Press Contacts
Lucie Dugit-Gros : Tél. : +33 1 41 34 79 25 - - @luciedg79
ELLE Communication : Tél. : +33 1 41 34 66 09 -
* One 2012-2013 ** DSH OJD 2013 *** Published under license with Hearst in 17 countries and with Burda, Aller, Sanoma, Ringier and 15 other partners in 26 other countries.
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