Press releases
Europe 1: Bruce Toussaint’s morning show attracts record audience

Archives Lagardère Active
Paris, January 15, 2013
1 – During a sweeps period marked by a very long school holiday in November,* Europe 1 achieved great performance numbers, attracting 4,793,000 daily listeners:
- With 9.1% cumulative audience, Europe 1 gained 0.2 of a percentage point over the sweeps period.
- With ever-increasing listening time totalling 123 minutes (up nine minutes in one year and up three minutes over the sweeps period), Europe 1 continues to increase audience loyalty.
- Europe 1 also boosted its audience share to 7.6% (up 0.1 of a percentage point over the sweeps period).
2 – Europe 1 Matin sets an audience record (since Bruce Toussaint began presenting the morning show):
- 3,023,000 listeners each morning, an increase of 169,000 listeners in one sweeps period and 13,000 over a year.
- The new shows introduced after the summer holidays performed very well: Caroline Roux’s L’édito politique (up 141,000), Laurent Guimier’s news analysis show Le vrai/faux de l’info (up 136,000) and Natacha Polony’s Revue de presse (up 215,000) are all on the rise, as are Jean-Pierre Elkabbach’s Interview (up 179,000), Nicolas Canteloup’s La revue de presque (up 243,000) and Anne Roumanoff’s Rouge Vif, which alternates with Jérôme Commandeur’s Les Humeurs de Commandeur (up 165,000).
- Each quarter-hour segment of the morning show (7-9 am) was up over last year and over the sweeps period.
3 – In addition to the morning show, many other shows are moving up, including Jean-Marc Morandini’s Le Grand Direct des Médias, Michel Drucker’s Faites entrer l’invité, Patrick Roger’s Europe 1 Midi, Helena Morna’s Les Experts and Laurent Ruquier’s On va s’gêner.
4 – In its marketing targets, Europe 1 grew in the 25-59 demographic, with an audience share of 6.3% (up 0.3 of a percentage point in one year).
Press Contacts :
Aurélia Giffaut - 33 1 47 23 19 21 -
Laëtitia Bréchemier - 33 1 47 23 19 22 -
*All Saints school holiday: three days in Nov.-Dec. 2011 as compared to 14 days in Nov.-Dec. 2012.
Source: Médiamétrie 126,000 Radio survey - 13-and-up demographic; November-December 2012; Monday-Friday, 5 am-midnight; change in one sweeps period, unless expressly stated otherwise.
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