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Europe 1, France’s most downloaded radio station, registers excellent September results for podcasts

Archives Lagardère Active
Paris, October 23, 2013
Nearly 6.8 million podcasts downloaded
- Europe 1 leads the pack for the 21st consecutive month
With nearly 6.8 million* downloads in September, Europe 1’s podcast results were excellent. This was the station’s second best performance, after the record set in March 2013. - Europe 1 is up strongly compared with September 2012: +23%, representing an additional 1.3 million downloads in one year.
The following shows also performed well: On va s’gêner hosted by Laurent Ruquier, La revue de presque hosted by Nicolas Canteloup, Au cœur de l’histoire hosted by Franck Ferrand and Europe 1 soir, hosted by Nicolas Poincaré.
Press contacts
Aurélia Giffaut - +33 (0)1 47 23 19 21 -
Laëtitia Brechemier - +33 (0)1 47 23 19 22 -
Source: Médiamétrie eStat - Catch-up Radio - September 2013 - France.
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