Press releases
Hachette Livre and Google sign a partnership agreement on digital books

Lagardère Publishing
Paris, July 28, 2011
Thanks to constructive discussions, Google and Hachette Livre today announce the final signature of the partnership agreement. This agreement, which is based on the memorandum of understanding signed last November between Google and Hachette Livre, which organizes the digitization of thousands of French language books controlled by Hachette Livre and which are no longer commercially available (which is the case of the vast majority of all books ever published).
This agreement aims to breathe new life to thousands of dormant out-of-print works, for the benefit of authors but also academics, researchers and general public. As announced a few months ago, Hachette Livre will get the following benefits from this cooperation :
- Control over the scanning of its books. Hachette will determine which works it wants Google to scan, and among those, which should be made available (or not) as ebooks via Google ebooks or used for other commercial applications such as print on demand (POD).
- New business opportunities. This agreement will give users access to currently unavailable works while providing new revenues to their authors and publishers. Hachette Livre will obtain copies of the scans in order to offer works in print on demand (POD).
- Enhanced visibility of its authors and their works in public digital libraries. Hachette Livre intends to make digital copies of scanned works available to the database of public institutions such as the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, thus contributing to the advancement of French culture.
This partnership is the result of constructive discussions between Hachette Livre and Google. Google hopes to conclude similar agreements with other French publishers, to give a new digital life to many valuable French works that are currently unavailable.
Google France :
Olivier Cimelière - +33 (0)1 42 68 53 66 -
About Google
Google's innovative search technologies connect millions of people around the world with information every day. Founded in 1998 by Stanford Ph.D. students Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google today is a top web property in all major global markets. Google's targeted advertising program provides businesses of all sizes with measurable results, while enhancing the overall web experience for users. Google is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia.
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About Hachette Livre
Hachette Livre, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lagardère SCA, is the world's second largest trade book publisher with sales of €2,165 million. It is #1 in France, #1 in Great Britain, #2 in Spain and # 5 in the USA. It publishes over 15,000 new titles a year in a dozen languages, but mainly in French, English and Spanish. It covers all segments of trade publishing : General fiction and non-fiction, mass market pocket books, books for young readers, illustrated books, travel guides, school books, as well as partworks. Hachette Livre‘s headquarters are in Paris, France.
- For more information, visit
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