Press releases
Hachette Livre sells Editions Dalloz

Lagardère Publishing
Paris, June 22, 2005
Hachette Livre is planning to sell Editions Dalloz to Editions Lefebvre Sarrut. This link-up is set to take place gradually, allowing sufficient time for Dalloz to gain operational independence when it leaves the university and professional publications division of Hachette Livre, the book publisher. The employee representatives of the companies concerned will be consulted on this proposal before the transaction is completed.
For Hachette Livre, this transaction is motivated by the specificities of the professional legal publishing market, which is globally highly concentrated and managed by specialist groups.
Due to Hachette’s position as a mass market publisher, these special features justify the proposed transaction with ELS which will be able to mobilise the resources needed to strengthen the market position occupied by Dalloz.
The Edition Dalloz product line is highly complementary to that of Editions Lefebvre Sarut, which currently have little market presence in the areas of administrative, civil, commercial and criminal law, and the business combination of ELS and Dalloz would lay the foundations for a new national publishing group that would be in a position to entertain new ambitions on a European scale. Furthermore, the successful 1999 merger of Editions Législatives and Editions Francis Lefebvre affords a guarantee for Dalloz of the respect of its identity and management autonomy.
Les Editions Lefebvre Sarrut were formed as the result of a merger in 1999 between Editions Francis Lefebvre and Editions Législatives. This family-owned publishing group has more than 1,100 employees and generated sales of EUR 215 million in 2004, EUR 148 million of which were derived from the legal publishing market in France (for publications in both digital and paper format).
Les Editions Dalloz, with sales of EUR 47.8 million for 2004, joined Hachette Livre after the split-off of Editis, where they formed part of the University and Professional Publications Division taken over by Hachette Livre, alongside Dunod and Armand Colin.
Hachette Livre Contact:
Valérie Bignon - Tel. : 33 1 43 92 34 18 -
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