Press releases
HFM thrice-honoured for the creativity and the vitality of its publications

Archives Lagardère Active
Paris, May 2, 2006
The SPMI awards for the year’s best magazines!
In conjunction with Magazine Publishing Day, the SPMI (the Association of French Magazine Publishers), chaired by Anne-Marie Couderc, hosted an award ceremony on 27 April at the Cirque Phénix Junior in Paris, in the presence of the French Minister of Culture and Communications, Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres.
The judges’ panel, chaired by Erik Orsenna, awarded the prize for the best cover to Paris Match, for its headline on Simone Weil’s return visit to Auschwitz (13 January 2005 issue), which tied first place with the 27 October 2005 issue of L’Express. The judges’ panel remarked: “This was a memorable cover on a particularly sensitive topic… If the emotion remains intact, it is not only due to Simone Weil’s very moving self-restraint, but also to the magic of a well executed cover, which does not always hinge on aesthetic issues or the use of space”.
ISA received the prize for the year’s best women’s magazine by unanimous vote of the judges’ panel. “The articles are treated in depth, the layout is intelligent and the editing very well-considered. ISA was found to be high-minded without being pretentious. In summary, it is the embodiment of desire, commitment and meaning – a stimulating, fair-minded magazine for €1.50”. We should point out that Elle was also one of the three publications nominated in this category. ISA was also one of the three short-listed publications for the 2006 Magazine of the Year award.
Mon Jardin & Ma Maison was awarded the prize for the best magazine in the Lifestyles category, for “its excellent blend of imagination and practicality, strong link to the changing seasons and persistent concern for detail, and for offering readers judicious advice,” according to the judges’ panel. Elle à Table and Elle Décoration were also nominated in this category.
In the Men’s Magazines category, Maximal was among the three short-listed publications.
Top Famille was also short-listed in the Health and Family Magazines category.
Match du Monde was selected for the Best Launch award, all categories combined. This prize is awarded for the launch of a new publication that could have a lasting impact the market as the result of a strong concept, excellence in production and enthusiastic acceptance by readers.
Press contact:
Valérie BLONDEAU - Komunik’Actions- Relations Presse - 33 (0)1 49 68 59 76 - fax: 33 (0)1 49 68 12 13 -
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