Press releases
Implementation of a liquidity contract with EXANE

Paris, 30 September 2022
LAGARDERE SA announces that it has entrusted EXANE with the implementation of a liquidity contract in order to enhance the liquidity of transactions and the regularity of the quotations of its shares admitted to trading on Euronext Paris (ISIN: FR0000130213 – Mnemonic: MMB) (the “Liquidity Contract”).
The Liquidity Contract, which complies with the provisions set out in the legal framework in force, in particular Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse as amended, Articles L. 225-209 et seq. of the French Commercial Code, AMF Decision No. 2021-01 of June 22, 2021 and the standard contract of the French Financial Markets Association (AMAFI) of November 17, 2021, will be implemented as of October 1st, 2022 for an initial period of three (3) months ending on December 31, 2022, renewable by tacit agreement for successive periods of twelve (12) months, on each December 31.
For the implementation of the Liquidity Contract, the following resources have been allocated to the liquidity
- 1,000,000 (one million euros).
The execution of the Liquidity Contract will be suspended under the conditions set out in Article 5 of the AMF Decision.
The execution of the Liquidity Agreement may also be suspended:
- by LAGARDERE SA, in the event that EXANE has not made reasonable efforts to fulfil its obligations regarding the liquidity of transactions and the regularity of quotations;
- by EXANE, when the information brought to its attention makes it impossible for it to continue to meet its obligations under the Liquidity Contract;
- by EXANE, when the sums owed by LAGARDERE SA have not been paid on the payment date shown on the invoice;
- in the event of holding a number of shares equal to the maximum decided by the General Meeting of LAGARDERE SA, taking into account the shares already held by LAGARDERE SA, in accordance with Article L. 225-210 of the French Commercial Code ;
- in the event that the share is listed outside the intervention thresholds authorised by the General Meeting of LAGARDERE SA,
- in the event of the expiry or suspension of the share buyback authorisation granted by the General Meeting of LAGARDERE SA, and
- by LAGARDERE SA, upon express request and for the period it specifies.
The Liquidity Contract may be terminated:
- at any time and without notice by LAGARDERE SA ;
- at any time by EXANE BNP PARIBAS, subject to one month’s notice; and
- without notice and without formality if the shares are transferred to another stock market.
French joint-stock company with a share capital of € 860,913,044.60
Divided into 141,133,286 shares with a par value of €6.10
Registered office: 4, rue de Presbourg, Paris 16ème (75) – France
Telephone: +33 (0)1 40 69 16 00
Registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 320 366 446
Internet address :
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