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Information on the liquidity contract



Paris, 19 October, 2023

Following the acquisition of 100% of Exane SA by the BNP Paribas Group on July 13, 2021, Exane SA’s market-making activities will be transferred to BNP Paribas Arbitrage, a member of Euronext Paris, a société anonyme with registered offices at 1 rue Lafitte – 75009 Paris, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 394 895 833, with effect from October 23, 2023.

From this date, BNP Paribas Arbitrage will become legally responsible for managing the Lagardère SA liquidity contract.

Société anonyme with capital of € 860,913,044.60
Divided into 141,133,286 shares with a par value of €6.10 each
Head office: 4, rue de Presbourg, Paris 16ème (75) – France
Telephone: +33 (0)1 40 69 16 00
320 366 446 R.C.S. Paris

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