Press releases
JDD Early Edition: very positive initial results

Archives Lagardère Active
Paris, March 20, 2009
“A winning bet” for Le Journal du Dimanche, with the successful launch of its early edition, available at noon on Saturdays.
Initial results are extremely positive, with the JDD selling almost 20,000 additional copies. On the weekend of 7-8 March, when the new edition made its debut, the Journal du Dimanche increased its sales by more than 20% in Greater Paris and in other major cities (Marseille, Lyon, Lille, etc.).
And preliminary estimates from the second week (the weekend of 14-15 March) confirm this strong uptick.
Says Christian de Villeneuve, Editorial Director of JDD:
“These plans have been warmly received by our readers and by numerous newsstand owners, who gave us their enthusiastic encouragement. The JDD will continue to appear on Sundays, as it has for 60 years, with breaking news from Saturday afternoon and evening. With its two editions, the JDD now offers its readers greater freedom to decide when to peruse their copy ‘à tête reposée’–with their full, relaxed attention.”
This new Saturday edition offers genuine potential for growth at the Journal du Dimanche. It provides an opportunity to attract new readers as well as new advertisers, who have been quick to grasp the move’s strategic value.
The launch is being backed by a wide-ranging promotional campaign (print media, radio, TV, display ads) with a surprising, offbeat concept, developed by the Blue agency.
With the success of its new edition, the JDD is, now more than ever, the major newspaper for the weekend.
“Le Journal du Dimanche, l’info à tête reposée”
Lagardère Active Press Contacts
Valérie Blondeau - 01 41 34 67 16 -
Lucie Dugit-Gros - 01 41 34 79 25 -
Le Journal du Dimanche at a glance:
- Distribution: OJD (Paid circulation in France, 2008) = 262,087 copies
- Total readership: an increase in JDD readership according to EPIQ (2008) = 1.45 million readers (up 6% vs. 2007), with particular growth among high-income readers (over €36K), up 5.4% (source: EPIQ)
- Nielsen audience (January 2009) = 1.165 million unique visits (up 36% over January 2008)
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