Press releases
Lagardère Active is strengthening its digital activities by the acquisition of ID REGIE

Archives Lagardère Active
Paris, August 28, 2007
Lagardère Active has announced that it is buying the online advertising sales company ID REGIE.
This company sells advertising on over thirty sites: Priceminister, Alapage, LDLC, TopAchat,, Abeille Musique, EasyFlirt, Netclub, Hardware, etc.
ID REGIE was set up in 1999 and has made a profit since 2002. In 2006 it doubled its gross profit to 1.1 million euros and employs 11 people.
Thanks to this new acquisition Lagardère Active :
– strengthens its online advertising sales and specifically enriches the service it can offer : ID REGIE will bring 12 million unique visitors per month in France, allowing Lagardère Publicité to move into the top 5 companies for online sales.
– integrates the technologies (adserving etc.) which are key to generate revenues from internet audiences.
– establishes itself as one of the leaders for marketing e-commerce and high-tech web sites.
– diversifies into the marketing of databases, a sector in which ID REGIE is already strongly present (over 4 millions email addresses).
Constance Benqué, President of Lagardère Publicité stated: “The acquisition of ID REGIE brings us new opportunities thanks to their expertise in e-commerce and high-tech websites, and this operation confirms our determination to be one of the leaders for online advertising.”
Henri Coron, President of ID REGIE / ID Group, declared: “The obvious way forward for us was to hook up with a group demonstrably committed to the internet market, and the Lagardère Active Group is one of the first partners we thought of. This will provide us with a solid basis for development, allowing us to leverage our expertise and catalogue and consolidate our cross-media offerings.’’
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Valérie Blondeau – +33 (0)1 41 34 67 16 –
Lucie Dugit-Gros – +33 (0)1 41 34 79 25 –
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