Press releases
Lagardère Active launches the ELLE iPhone application and achieves a major milestone with three million app downloads

Archives Lagardère Active
Paris, May 17, 2010
Lagardère Active launches ELLE on iPhone, the essential application for exploring current trends and targeting the latest must-haves.
This application lets you access the very best of ELLE, via:
- A continuous news feed with the latest on fashion, beauty, people, leisure activities, society and love.
- Guides to shopping, beauty secrets and other essentials to inspire you and help you make the right moves.
- Photos of stars and runway slide shows.
- The latest images of fashion and beauty trends.
- ELLE’s top picks in books and music.
- ELLE en Scène, which features headliners onstage.
- Featured services like your very own “By ELLE” diary, with alerts to keep you up-to-date with ELLE and a Post-it function to help you stay on top of everything that matters to you.
“ELLE via iPhone is not just another version of the magazine or site – we have totally reworked the navigational ergonomics. I am very proud of the menu’s graphic innovations and the fresh editorial aspects. We have also put special emphasis on cultural guides, particularly with regard to literature and music,” says Editor in Chief Valérie Toranian.
Just 16 months after the launch of the first Lagardère Active brand application, the iPhone apps offered in France have been downloaded more than three million times, and generated nearly 100 million page views in April 2010 alone. Every month, over half of all iPhone users in France employ at least one Lagardère Active application.
Lagardère Active currently offers a combination of free applications (Première,, RFM, Virgin Radio, Télé7, Public,, Doctissimo, Fluctuat, Europe1 and, free applications with some paid content (ELLE Astro, Be, Parents and Télé7Jeux-Sodoku) and for-pay applications (ELLE à Table).
“Our brand logos have been downloaded more than three million times onto iPhone users’ home screens. After an initial exploration and selection stage, impressive usage levels have been generated – well beyond the old mobile Internet volumes. This represents a key asset for brand development in terms of both paid advertising for this audience and promoting existing and future Lagardère pay services on iPhone and iPad,” says Digital Division Sales and Marketing Director Emmanuel Vacher.
Press Contacts:
Valérie Blondeau - 33 1 41 34 67 16 -
Karine Ruberto - 33 1 41 34 95 40 -
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