Press releases
Lagardère Publicité goes mobile !

Archives Lagardère Active
Paris, May 18, 2009
Lagardère Publicité is breaking new ground with an exclusive offering tied to mobile applications. With diversity as its watchword, this multimedia advertising brokerage is creating a fresh opportunity for advertisers by marketing advertising space via Lagardère Group signature-brand iPhone applications. This launch is in line with the company’s brand growth strategy via this new mobile medium.
Lagardère Publicité currently markets seven applications, all created by Lagardère Active and available for download from the App Store:
– PREMIERE: the leading cinema-themed application, which offers information in an instant on the nearest cinemas and what’s showing.
– ELLE Astro: horoscopes for all, anytime and anywhere.
– ELLE à Table: a cornucopia of recipes in an illustrated cookery encyclopedia.
– PUBLIC: people in the news, 24/7, at the touch of a button.
– VIRGIN RADIO and RFM: listen live or later, wherever you are.
– TELE 7: the week’s TV programmes, covering more than 200 channels.
New applications that also benefit from the ultra-innovative user-friendliness of the iPhone’s intuitive interface, tactile multipoint handset, geo-location and more are due for release very shortly.
“We believe in the future of mobile advertising. With its downloadable applications, the iPhone opens up promising vistas, and Lagardère Active’s strong brand portfolio is already in the lead regarding such new uses, with 550,000 applications downloaded as of the end of April,” says Emmanuel Vacher, Lagardère Active Sales & Marketing Manager.
Communicating through Lagardère applications means benefiting from an offering that comprises top-notch, complementary formats (interstitial, banner and landing page) and new, original types of interactivity.
Lagardère Publicité will give the mobile a life of its own as a totally separate medium operating alongside the four already marketed: press, radio, television and Internet.
A dedicated sales and marketing team is working exclusively on this offering, which affords advertisers a fresh experience combining advertising impact and innovation. It will also complement new systems introduced during special cross-media operations and communications campaigns orchestrated by the brokerage.
“This is the dawn of a new experience, and we have the resources in line for success,” says Philippe Pignol, General Manager of Lagardère Publicité.
Lagardère Publicité contacts:
Philippe Pignol, General Manager: - +33 (0)1 53 96 30 13
Communications Dept : - +33 (0)1 53 96 30 35
Lagardère Active contact:
Emmanuel Vacher, Sales & Marketing Manager : - +33 (0)1 41 34 84 89
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