Press releases
Lagardère Publicité is the new media-buying agency for the TV channels 13ème rue and Sci Fi from 1 January 2009

Archives Lagardère Active
Paris, november 14, 2008
Lagardère Publicité will market two NBC Universal Global Networks France channels, 13ème rue and Sci Fi, as of 1 January 2009.
Operating in five sectors – print press, radio, television, Internet and cross media – and offering more than 140 media brands, Lagardère Publicité is a multimedia media-buying agency unique in its market.
By marketing the 13ème rue and Sci Fi channels, Lagardère Publicité, the leading agency in the “other television” category, is expanding its offering for adult audiences. Among its current customers are RTL 9, Virgin 17, Gulli, Arte and other special-interest channels.
This change in media-buying agency does not modify the internal business structure of NBC Universal Global Networks France, which remains responsible for captive entertainment segments, i.e. video, DVDs, video games, book publishing, comic books, game console manufacturers and cinema.
13ème rue, the action and suspense channel, ranks in the MédiaCabSat Top 5 among two adult groups: 25-49-year-olds and homemakers aged 15-49. The channel has ambitious goals and this can be seen in the significant audience growth in these two targets groups in just one year.
Sci Fi, the science fiction channel, moved up to the MédiaCabSat Top 10 among the 25-49 age group, with a nearly 70% increase in audience in one year.
Both channels are available on cable and CanalSat (via satellite or ADSL).
Source: MédiaCabSat Médiamétrie survey, January-June 2008 / Mon-Sun / 3 am -3 am / trends compared to January-June 2007.
Press Contacts:
Constance Benqué - CEO - 01 53 96 30 01-
Philippe Pignol - Managing Director- 01 53 96 30 13 -
Bernard Fauve - Deputy Managing Director, TV et Cross media - 01 53 96 30 92 -
Communications Department: Mathilde Dandoy - 01 53 96 32 15
Press relations: Cécile Gelineau - 01 70 19 35 09 / Ludivine Lucas - 01 70 19 35 32
Sales Department: Bruce Sandford - 01 70 19 35 78 / Laëtitia Bir - 01 70 19 35 71 / Karine Lombard - 01 70 19 35 98
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