Press releases
Le Journal du Dimanche wins its bet

Archives Lagardère Active
Paris, June 19, 2009
Le Journal du Dimanche has decided to continue with the publication of the “JDD Early Edition”, which goes on sale on Saturdays.
The test period, which lasted four months, yielded very positive results.
Advertisers demonstrated a real interest for this initiative, despite the extremely bleak advertising climate; as a result, advertising revenues increased strongly.
The JDD also garnered positive results in terms of distribution, thanks to the growth of newsstand sales, along with the expansion of home delivery and international sales. The results of surveys conducted with readers as they left newsstands during the test period revealed the success of the JDD “Early Edition” with a younger, more active and more qualified readership, as well as its increased appeal to women readers.
Thanks to these encouraging results, it was decided to continue publishing the “Early Edition” of Journal du Dimanche to meet the expectations of the many readers who want to enjoy their Sunday paper at their leisure.
Christian de Villeneuve, the JDD’s editorial director commented: “In accordance with the strategy put in place a year ago aimed at boosting sales through editorial restructuring, the success of this initiative only strengthens and confirms JDD’s determination to become France’s leading weekend paper.”
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