Europe 1 records the strongest advance in the radio market with a record summer wave of an additional 591,000 listeners year over year (Médiamétrie results) 26 September 2013
Virgin Radio now the No. 2 French radio station in cumulative audience in the 25-34 age group 26 September 2013
LE RIGHTS: Strategy for Diversifying Catalogue with ‘The Island of Truth’ Winning Format 25 September 2013
SAVE S.p.A.: SAVE and Lagardère Services announce the signature of a partnership on Airest S.p.A.. 19 September 2013
LS travel retail and Aeroporti di Roma together unveil 4,800 m2 of commercial space in Rome Fiumicino Airport 12 September 2013
Lagardère Entertainment easily holds its position as leading producer of French fiction 12 September 2013
2012-2013 OJD (French circulation audit bureau) figures: Lagardère Active consolidates its positions on key magazine markets 12 September 2013