Press releases
Pascale Rus appointed Head of Human Resources and Sustainable Development

Archives Lagardère Active, CSR
Paris, July 27, 2012
As of 1 September 2012:
- Pascale Rus will be Head of Human Resources and Sustainable Development at Lagardère Active;
- Denis Langlois, previously Head of Human Resources at Lagardère Active, is to join the Human Resources department at the Lagardère Group to head up a project relating to management of talented staff within the Group alongside Thierry Funck-Brentano.
After eight years as an international human resources management consultant, Pascale Rus joined the PPR Group in 2000, where she was successively head of compensation and employee benefits within the Human Resources department, before becoming Head of Human Resources Development for France at FNAC. Pascale has been Head of Human Resources at the Conforama Group since 2008.
Press contact:
Delphine Marçais - + 33 (0)1 47 23 19 66 -
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