Press releases
Podcasts: Europe 1: the most downloaded radio station in France!

Archives Lagardère Active
Paris, May 18, 2011
Europe 1 is the top-ranked radio station in the number of podcasts downloaded
With over 4.6 million podcast downloads in April 2011, Europe 1 takes the top step of the podium becoming the most downloaded radio station in France.
- An all-time record for Europe 1
This represents a dual victory for the station which also set an all-time record for this period while registering 215,000 more podcast downloads than in March 2011 and 232,000 more than in April 2010.
Europe 1’s podcasts continue to be a tremendous success with Internet users: Laurent Ruquier and Nicolas Canteloup are among the station’s most popular presenters, and Franck Ferrand’s broadcast titled “Au coeur de l’histoire” also put in an excellent performance, taking third place among the station’s most frequently podcasted shows! - is also France’s No. 1 radio website
With 3,145,000 Unique Visitors, the Europe 1 website has more visitors than any other radio website in France (Médiamétrie March 2011).
This solid performance, both in terms of podcast downloads and visits to, demonstrates the precision and dynamism of Europe 1’s digital strategy.
Press contacts:
Aurélia Giffaut - +33 (0)1 47 23 19 21 -
Laëtitia Bréchemier - +33 (0)1 47 23 19 22 -
Médiamétrie eStat - Catch-Up Radio - April 2011 - France
Médiamétrie - NetRatings - March 2011 - France
* List comprised from radio websites available in the Médiamétrie NetRatings interface
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