Press releases
Press release:

Corporate & other activities
Paris, July 10, 2008
Following the publication of an article entitled L’été risque d’être meurtrier pour Lagardère (“Risk of a deadly summer for Lagardère”) in the weekly magazine “Challenges” on Thursday 10 July, containing entirely false and misleading information, the Lagardère group strongly condemns the carelessness and irresponsibility of the weekly magazine “Challenges” and the newsletter “Le Pli”, which both failed to take the basic professional precaution of checking the factual accuracy of “their information” with the Group before publication.
The Lagardère group is currently considering the possibility, in consultation with its lawyers, of filing a complaint and a claim for damages against the authors of this article, namely the weekly magazine “Challenges” and the newsletter “Le Pli”.
Press contacts:
Thierry Funck-Brentano - +33 (0)1 40 69 16 34 -
Ramzi Khiroun - +33 (0)1 40 69 16 33 -
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