Press releases
Relay & Relais H are supporting a campaign being organised by the French Brain Research Foundation to coincide with Neurodon week

CSR, Lagardère Travel Retail
Paris, February 26, 2010
Relay & Relais H are supporting a campaign being organised by the French Brain Research Foundation (Fondation pour la Recherche sur le Cerveau or FRC) to coincide with Neurodon week from 8 to 14 March 2010.
Therefore, in partnership with L’Express, which is to publish a special supplement dedicated to National Brain Awareness Week in its 4 March 2010 edition, we will contribute 1 €uro to the Federation for each copy sold through our network.
A large-scale communication campaign will be run in our stores to support the promotion, with among other things a checkout coupon scheme. This will allow 100,000 appeals for donations to Neurodon to be distributed.
For many years, RELAY France has given its backing to a number of major causes – UNICEF, THE RED CROSS, UNESCO, Médecins sans Frontières and WWF – and has been a champion of the number one freedom – the freedom of expression – within the framework of its partnership with Reporters Without Borders.
The brain is central to the personality of each and every one of us; it is the origin of thought and imagination. Diseases that affect it are of concern to us all. Therefore, by making its (Relay & Relais H) network available to promote the FRC’s campaign, RELAY France is helping to raise the general public’s awareness of this cause, in order to boost resources for progress to be made in this field of research.
Contact Presse :
Garance SAINGT - External Communications Manager - Tel. : 33 1 40 87 26 28 -
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