Press releases
The France Télévision Group in partnership with the first transorientale

Archives Lagardère Sports and Entertainment
Paris, April 16, 2008
This first Transorientale, a rally raid organized by René Metge and Lagardère Sports, is scheduled for 12-28 June and set to stretch from St Petersburg to Beijing (via Astana, Kazakhstan). The event will enjoy extensive television coverage, particularly in France.
The Transorientale’s organizing team is pleased to announce the signing of a partnership agreement with FRANCE TELEVISIONS
“From the starting line in St Petersburg to the finish line in Beijing – two legendary cities whose names resonate with history – the rally will cover thousands of kilometres through little-known territories from the eastern reaches of Europe to the Far East. As a regular participant in great adventures, France Televisions wanted to be a part of this new competition, which is organized by a master of the discipline, René Metge, and supported by Lagardère Sports. I hope this rally will turn out to be a top-level sporting challenge in an unforgettable setting. With this goal in mind, a wealth of the most sophisticated technical resources have been put in play. Daily coverage will include a “Picture of the Day” to be broadcast on France 2 and France 3, as well as special reports during our sports news shows Stade 2 and Tout le Sport on France 3. At the same time, France 4 will offer a daily summary of each stage. Don’t miss the start of this great adventure next 12 June.” – Daniel Billalian, Sports Director, France Televisions
Coverage by France Televisions
- France 3 / Tout le Sport Daily roundup
- France 2 / Stade 2 15, 22 and 29 June 2008
- France 2 & France 3 / Picture of the Day For the duration of the race on a daily basis
- France 4 Daily five-minute newsmagazine devoted to the race
TV Productions
In order to supply the France Televisions group and all the other international broadcasters of the event with coverage, Sportfive and its production department will position 30 people in the field for the entire duration of the Transorientale. Considerable resources will be deployed to provide viewers from all over the world with an insider’s view of the race and the diverse countryside it will cross:
- Two helicopters fitted with a WESCAM ball
- Six special-report teams
- Cameras aboard the race vehicles
- A multi-camera control station for live coverage
- Six onsite editing units for the production of daily round-ups
- Coverage will be transmitted daily via satellite to the S5 studios on rue Cognacq-Jay, Paris
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