Press releases
The Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation and the Arab World Institute present the official shortlist for 2017 Arab Literature Prize

Corporate & other activities, CSR
Paris, June 8, 2017
Eight titles have been shortlisted for the award, now in its fifth year, and will be presented to the jury:
1. La Fille de Souslov
by Habib Abdulrab Sarori (published by Actes Sud) 2. Seul le grenadier by Sinan Antoon (Actes Sud) 3. Mourir est un enchantement by Yasmine Chami (Actes Sud) 4. Un oiseau bleu et rare vole avec moi by Youssef Fadel (Actes Sud) 5. Cinquante grammes de paradis by Imane Humaydan (published by Verticales) 6. Pas de couteaux dans les cuisines de cette ville by Khaled Khalifa (Actes Sud) 7. Une femme sans écriture by Saber Mansouri (published by Seuil) 8. L’effacement by Samir Toumi (published by Barzakh)
This literary prize of €10,000 – the only French prize spotlighting new Arabic literature – is awarded to an author (from an Arab League country) of a work written in (or translated imto) French and published between 31 May 2016 and 31 May 2017.
The jury will meet in the autumn under the chairmanship of Pierre Leroy, co-managing partner of Lagardère SCA, to deliberate and designate the winner of this year’s Arab Literature Prize. The winner will be announced at an awards ceremony to be held on 18 October at the Arab World Institute, in the presence of its president, Jack Lang.
Previous awards
Since the prize was created by the Arab World Institute and the Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation, the Arab Literature Prize was awarded: in 2016, to an Iraqi, Inaam Kachachi, for her novel Dispersés (published by Gallimard); in 2015, to a Saudi Arabian, Mohammed Hasan Alwan, for his novel Le Castor (published by Seuil); in 2014, to an Egyptian, Mohamed al-Fakharany, for his novel La Traversée du K.-O. (Seuil); and in 2013, to a Lebanese writer, Jabbour Douaihy, for his novel Saint Georges regardait ailleurs (Actes Sud).
The Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation
Amandine Valenza 01 40 69 16 82 -
The Arab World Institute press contact
Mélanie Monforte 01 40 51 38 62 -
About the Arab World Institute
A private-law foundation opened to the public in 1987, the Arab World Institute is the fruit of a partnership between France and the member countries of the Arab League. Its purpose is to promote dialogue between the East and West while introducing French and European audiences to the Arab world’s contribution to global culture.
About the Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation – under the auspices of the Fondation de France
Since 1989, the Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation has supported and encouraged the careers of talented young individuals both in France and abroad. It has developed various programmes that promote cultural diversity and achievement. The Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation is actively engaged in the spheres of culture, education and solidarity.
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