Press releases
The Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation and the Institut du Monde Arabe present the third Arab Literature Prize

Paris, March 17, 2015
The Arab Literature Prize, created in 2013 by the Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation and the Institut du Monde Arabe, awards a writer from the Arab world who has authored a published work – a novel or a collection of short stories or poems – in French or translated from Arabic into French, on the theme of Arab youth. The winner receives €10,000.
A number of titles are chosen by a selection committee from works published between 30 May 2014 and 30 May 2015. These are submitted to members of the judging panel, who then meet under the chairmanship of Pierre Leroy, co-manager of the Lagardère group, to select the prize winner.
The winner will receive their award during a ceremony to be held at the Institut du Monde Arabe in autumn 2015.
The prize was awarded in 2013 to Jabbour Douaihy for his novel Saint Georges regardait ailleurs (Éditions Actes Sud / Sindbad), and in 2014 to Mohamed al-Fakharany for La traversée du K.-O. (Éditions Seuil). This year, the judging panel has also given a special mention to Rosa Yassin Hassan for Les Gardiens de l’air (Éditions Actes Sud / Sindbad).
Publishers wanting to propose a work eligible for the prize should send publications to the Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation (Immeuble Monceau, 42 rue Washington, 75 408 Paris cedex 08).
Press contacts:
Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation
Quiterie Camus 01 40 69 67 29 - 06 86 14 47 84 -
Institut du monde arabe
Salwa Al Neimi 01 40 51 39 82 -
Institut du Monde Arabe
A private-law foundation opened to the public in 1987, the Institut du Monde Arabe is the result of a partnership between France and all the Arab member countries of the Arab League, the purpose of which is to make French and European audiences aware of the Arab world's contribution to global civilisation and promote dialogue between east and west.
Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation
Under the aegis of the Fondation de France
Since 1989, the Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation has supported and encouraged the careers of talented young people in France and abroad. It has developed a number of programmes to promote diversity and help people to succeed. The Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation is fully committed to the fields of culture, solidarity and sport.
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