Press releases
The JL Lagardère Foundation has decided to support Ping Attitude

Corporate & other activities, CSR
Paris, January 15, 2007
The Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation, chaired by Arnaud Lagardère, has decided to support Ping Attitude, a new non-profit organization founded by table tennis World Champion and two-time Olympic medallist Jean-Philippe Gatien.
This table tennis champion from Levallois-Perret is strongly committed to social action aimed at improving the well-being of troubled teenagers by offering them the chance to participate in table tennis, with the ultimate objective of promoting social solidarity and trust in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. A month ago, he led a ping-pong workshop for teenagers who were referred by physicians at the Maison de Solenn centre for adolescents in Paris. He is also participating in an experimental educational programme set up by the Paris Institute for Political Studies (Sciences Po) in Seine-Saint-Denis secondary schools. In addition, he has just created the first Ping Attitude centre, housed in the Saint-Denis club (1), which helps children from neighbourhood youth clubs. Gatien offers the following comments on his efforts: “During my career as a competitive athlete, I have observed just how effectively sports and athletes convey positive values for young people. I am convinced that former competitive athletes can contribute a great deal to inspire hope in those who have given up on life.”
For the Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation, support for the Ping Attitude social action project is in keeping with an overall commitment aimed at strengthening the role of sports in programmes for the disadvantaged. In the words of Arnaud Lagardère, “Sports help young people to free up unsuspected sources of energy and to regain self-confidence, and must be promoted more actively in neighbourhoods experiencing difficult social or economic situations.”
On Wednesday 17 January at 2 p.m., Jean-Philippe Gatien will inaugurate the Ping Attitude programme at the Saint-Denis club1. At that time, he will explain his commitment to the press and put on a demonstration for the children with fellow French Table Tennis Team member Patrick Chila, also an Olympic medallist.
Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation Web Site:
(1) La Raquette – Auguste Delaune Stadium – 9 Avenue Roger Sémat – Saint Denis
Press Contacts :
Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation :
Quiterie Camus - 33 1 40 69 67 29 -
Ping Attitude:
Michel Gadal - 33 6 89 97 08 31 -
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