Press releases
The Lagardère Group notes the decision by the Board of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers

Corporate & other activities
Paris, April 1, 2008
The Lagardère Group notes the decision by the Board of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) to refer its case to the Enforcement Commission.
This decision initiates the adversarial phase of the administrative proceedings, and the Lagardère Group will not respond in detail until it has examined the case.
However, it already seems clear that the AMF has lodged no complaint against Lagardère with respect to delays in the A380 program. This is in line with the arguments consistently advanced by the Lagardère Group.
Information received suggests that the Lagardère Group is implicated firstly in a discrepancy between the EADS three-year operating plan and the analyst consensus for the same period, and secondly in a delay in announcing the redefinition of the A350.
The Lagardère Group is confident in its ability to provide all the explanations needed to clear its name.
Press Contacts
Thierry Funck-Brentano - tel. 33 1 40 69 16 34 -
Ramzi Khiroun - tel. 33 1 40 69 16 33 -
Investor Relations Contact
Laurent Carozzi - tel. 33 1 40 69 18 02 -
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