Press releases
The Planet ELLE turns (RED)

Archives Lagardère Active, CSR
Paris, January 16, 2009
Fashion has its heart in the right place!
In a publishing “first” , more than 30 editions of ELLE magazine* team up with Bono, Gisele Bündchen and Scarlett Johansson in the fight against AIDS in Africa. In just over 2 years, (RED), together with major partner brands, has raised over 120 million USD to help eliminate AIDS in Africa.
To support this project, the ELLE network will simultaneously publish a feature on (RED) in more than thirty editions
(most of them on the magazine cover), and for six consecutive weeks will become a spectacular editorial showcase in
the service of a great humanitarian cause. An original project carried by exceptional ambassadors : Gisele Bündchen
and Scarlett Johansson.
Such an editorial event shows the strong commitment of ELLE magazine. By launching this large-scale initiative,
ELLE is backing (RED), a brand created in the UK in 2006 by Bono, lead singer of U2 and Bobby Shriver, an
American philanthropist, to help HIV-positive women and children in Africa. Money is raised thanks to the involvement
of partner brands who design and sell specific (RED) branded products and contribute up to 50 % of the proceeds
to the Global Fund**.
The great number of countries involved and the simultaneous publication of the same feature article across
the ELLE network make this a global “first” in publishing. From mid-January to the end of February, ELLE will speak with one voice to more than 20 million readers through some thirty international editions and to over 11 million Internauts !
The issue will appear on 17 January 2009 in ELLE France and in the February issues of 30 other international
editions on sale in mid-January (except for the USA, UK, Japan and Quebec editions which will be dated March
2009 and go on sale end of January/early February).
…A story about fashion and kindheartedness
*EUROPE : Italy, France, UK, Spain, Belgium FR, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Hungary, Germany.
ASIA : China, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan, Korea, Middle East, India, Hong Kong.
AFRICA : South Africa
AMERICAS : Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Quebec, USA.
**Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Contacts :
Editorial Project manager (RED) :
Cristina Romero - tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 34 72 84 /e mail :
ELLE communications Department :
Mirella Testori - tel : + 33(0)1 41 34 61 96 /e mail :
Relations with the Press Lagardère Active :
Valérie Blondeau - tel. : +33(0)1 41 34 67/e mail :
Lucie Dugit-Gros : +33 (0)1 41 34 79 25 /e mail :
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