Press releases
The Stephenie Meyer phenomenon takes France by storm!

Lagardère Publishing
Paris, October 27, 2008
Over 18 million copies of the saga sold worldwide!
Published in France on 22 October in a run of 100,000 copies and reprinted in a series of more than 80,000 copies, volume 4 is already a bestseller! More than 400,000 copies in the series sold in France
The Stephenie Meyer phenomenon
Still unknown only four years ago, Stephenie Meyer is now an international phenomenon of the same stature as J. K. Rowling.
The story of Bella’s love for Edward, a seductive young vampire, has captured the hearts of millions of girls throughout the world.
Key figures:
- Over 18 million books sold worldwide
- Nearly 13 million books sold in the United States
- Rights sold in 35 countries
- No. 1 on bestseller lists in the United States for weeks
Volume 4: Breaking Dawn
3,700,000 copies printed in the United States
Published in France under the title “revelation” 22 OCTOBER 2008
The movie Twilight (Fascination – volume 1)
Released in the United States on 21 November
Directed by Catherine Hardwicke (Thirteen, Lords of Dogtown)
- Bella played by Kristen Stewart (Into the Wild)
- Edward played by Robert Pattinson (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)
French release on 7 January 2009
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