Press releases
Upscale women’s monthly Be confirms its success

Archives Lagardère Active
Paris, September 9, 2013
One year after the magazine adopted a monthly publication schedule, Lagardère Active’s generational women’s brand Be continues to attract the support of advertisers and readers with:
- A record advertising response for its special fashion issue
The special autumn fashion issue of Be (on newsstands since 2 September) broke an all-time advertising record since becoming a monthly, with 93 of its 276 pages devoted to ads. - Strong circulation
With paid circulation in France reaching 271,482 copies in the first half of 2013,* including nearly 70% in newsstand sales, the magazine’s circulation was also boosted by an increase in subscriptions and strong summer issues.
As Caroline Pois, deputy general manager of Lagardère Publicité, points out, “The ongoing support of advertisers in a demanding market reflects the quality of the work done by Be’s editorial and advertising teams.”
Says Franck Espiasse-Cabau, publisher-in-chief of Lagardère Active’s Women’s division, “This fine performance is the result of an original, 360-degree marketing strategy and bears out the success of the magazine’s bold, innovative repositioning on the thirty-something target market.”
*OJD (French circulation audit bureau) 2012-2013, officially declared paid circulation in France.
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