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This page aims to answer your most frequently asked questions. If you do not find the answer you are looking for, don’t hesitate to visit the “Contacts” section of this website and send us your question by e-mail.

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Information about Lagardère SA Stock
Investing in Lagardère Stock
Dates and key events
Documents and webcasts
CSR at Lagardère

Where are Lagardère SA shares listed?

Lagardère shares are listed on Euronext Paris “Compartment A” (ISIN code FR 0000 130213; Bloomberg : MMB:FP ; Reuters : LAGA.PA).

What indexes is Lagardère SA stock part of?

Lagardère SA stock is part of the CAC All Shares index.

Is the Lagardère SA stock eligible for Euronext’s SRD deferred settlement service?

Yes, the Lagardère SA stock is eligible for deferred settlement service.

Is the Lagardère SA stock eligible for the Equity savings plan (PEA)?

Yes, the Lagardère SA stock is eligible for equity savings plan.

Where can I find information about the share price of Lagardère SA?

You will find complete information about Lagardère SA stock on the “Stock – Trends ” page, which features information about the stock’s price as well as interactive graphics, statistics, a table of annual highs and lows, and the annualized rate of return.

What is the share ownership structure of Lagardère SA?

The share ownership structure is presented in the section “Lagardère stock price – capital “.

What kind of document are available to shareholders?

All documents available to shareholders can be found in the Your Resource Centre section. This section offers easy access to annual and half-yearly reports, brochures, videos and presentations released by the group.

How do I contact Shareholder Services?

This is the direct link to contact us .

What is the group’s policy on shareholder compensation?

Lagardère has maintained a long-term approach to shareholder remuneration through an attractive and stable dividend distribution policy. However, in 2020 and 2021, in light of the challenges of solidarity and corporate responsibility resulting from the unprecedented crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Managing Partners, in agreement with the Supervisory Board, decided not to pay any dividends in respect of 2019 and 2020. An amount of €5 million deducted from the cash initially set aside to pay the 2019 dividend was transferred to the Covid-19 Solidarity Fund set up by Lagardère.
For a history of the dividends paid since 2004, click on the following link: Dividends.

How do I take part in the annual shareholders’ meeting?

All practical information relating to the Lagardère General Meeting is provided to shareholders in advance, in the convening notice published in the French legal gazette (Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoire), notice of meeting and General Meeting Brochure sent to each shareholder and published on the Company’s website.

For any additional information, you can contact Société Générale Securities Services on +33 (0)2 51 85 67 89 (toll-free number in France) or via the Sharinbox website at