Financial institutions | Analysts |
Barclays | Julien Roch |
BofA Securities | Adrien De Saint Hilaire |
Citi | Thomas Singlehurst |
CM-CIC | Eric Ravary |
Oddo BHF | Jérôme Bodin |
Société Générale | Christophe Cherblanc |
The above list is provided for information purposes only. It comprises the analysts who, to our knowledge, cover Lagardère. Note, however, that we cannot guarantee the accuracy of this list nor can we guarantee that it is complete given that it may be subject to change from time to time.
It should be noted, in addition, that information, opinions, recommendations, estimates, forecast or conclusions made by these analysts do not reflect in any way the positions of Lagardère or its management, who shall not be bound by such information, opinions, recommendations, estimates, forecasts or conclusions.