Press releases
Mezzo extends its offering to a 46th country

Archives Lagardère Active
Paris, July 15, 2014
Launch of mezzo live hd in mongolia
The Mezzo package, including Mezzo and Mezzo Live HD, continues to expand around the world!
MEZZO LIVE HD is now available in Mongolia, on Sansar HD, one of the country’s main pay-television operators.
These new subscribers will thus join the some 24 million households worldwide already receiving the Mezzo package. Entirely devoted to classical music, jazz and dance, this package is available in France via all telecom operators.
Mezzo is a partnership between Lagardère Active and France Télévisions.
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Véronique Dumon - +33 (0)1 56 36 55 76 -
Wilfried Texier - +33 (0)1 56 36 51 07 -
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