A Supervisory Board attentive to CSR policy

Co-Managing Partner, Lagardère group

The constructive dialogue opened several years ago between the Group’s CSR and Sustainable Development Department and our Supervisory Board’s Appointments, Remuneration and Governance Committee saw three major changes in 2019.

  • The growing expectations of all of society with regard to companies’ environmentally friendly practices. Widely expressed by the younger generations and conveyed by non-financial rating agencies, these expectations are also those of the young employees we recruit and more generally employees who are invested in our various activities by looking to give ever more meaning to their work.
  • Increasing regulatory requirements with regard to CSR, whether in terms of gender balance (for example, calculating an equal pay index) or in terms of information about companies’ CSR policies (prompting us to publish our first non-financial performance declaration in 2019).
  • The rise of CSR itself to the heart of company life, as established by the adoption of the PACTE law in France, which introduces two innovations: the redefinition, via the French Civil Code, of corporate purpose, which must now take into consideration the social and environmental aspects of its activities; and the possibility offered to companies to identify their raison d’être.

No doubt that the committee will pay attention to the project launched by the Group concerning this new opportunity.


Lagardère SCA General Shareholders’ Meeting, May 2019 (Paris, France).

Article 1833 article of the French Civil Code redefining corporate purpose, which must take “into consideration social and environmental issues.