Vigilance as a means of boosting performance

Deputy Director of Non-Financial Information and Environmental Responsibility, Lagardère group

Responsible governance, or even business ethics, which the Lagardère group intends to respect in all its activities and in all regions, is also the basis of its CSR roadmap.
This means that the Group applies national or European regulations, such as the publication for the second year of the Non-financial performance declaration, which highlights management of CSR risks, or even the duty of care that requires companies to adopt a vigilance plan, also published in stages.
It is within the framework in particular of the second stage of this vigilance and anti-corruption plan that the Group has devised its mechanism for issuing and collecting alerts, Ethics Line, which will be opened up to all stakeholders in 2020. The Group’s Code of Conduct, which will be updated in 2020, will explain to all employees how it works.
Measures to fight corruption were once again at the centre of attention for Group Compliance, which continued with its employee training and awareness-raising programmes.
Lastly, with regard to personal data, the Lagardère group has designed a personal data Compliance pack intended for all employees, which sets out the issues relating to each stage of the personal data lifecycle, the main rules to be respected and the right actions to take.
All these measures, as well as respecting international ethics requirements, with its renewed adherence to the Global Compact, attest to the Lagardère group’s ongoing vigilance in terms of responsible governance, which also safeguards its performance.

6 non-financial indices in which the Lagardère group was included in 2019.

Here is the list:

  • Euronext Vigeoeiris indices Eurozone 120
  • Euronext Vigeoeiris indices Europe 120
  • ETHIBEL Sustainability index
  • Stoxx ESG Leaders Indices
  • FTSE4Good
  • MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes