2019 key figures

Breakdown of 2019 revenue
by geographic area

28 % United States and Canada
29 % France
6 % Spain
18 % Other countries
19 % United Kingdom and Australia

Consolidated revenue

  • 2018 - 2 252
  • 2019 - 2 384

Recurring operating profit of fully consolidated companies

  • 2018 - 200*
  • 2019 - 220

Permanent employees

  • 2018 - 6 968
  • 2019 - 6 879

*Restated for IFRS 16.

2019 Key figures

211 Titles
published by Hachette Book Group featured in The New York Times bestseller list, 29 of which reached first place.

92 Launches
of new partworks worldwide

17 160 New titles
published by Lagardère Publishing worldwide.

Scope 3 Bilan Carbone® audit in France.

6,879 Permanent employees
worldwide at Hachette Livre.

1 Million copies
of Talking to Strangers, Malcolm Gladwell’s book published in September 2019, sold across all formats.

Hachette UK Distribution employees (Didcot, United Kingdom).