Publications and contacts

CSR at Lagardère in 2019-2020

Universal Registration Document

including the Annual Financial Report - Fiscal Year 2019

2019-2020 Milestones
Corporate Brochure

These publications are also available in accessible format and in French.

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    in the printing volume of French–language versions of this document since 2010.
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Lagardère SCA
4,rue de Presbourg 
75 116 Paris 
Tél : 01 40 69 16 00

Ramzi Khiroun
Spokesperson, Lagardère SCA
Chief External Relations Officer
Tel: +33 (0)1 40 69 16 33
E-mail :

Investor relations
Emmanuel Rapin
Head of Financing and Investor Relations
Tel: +33 (0)1 40 69 17 45
E-mail :

Registered shareholders 
BNP Paribas Securities ServicesSecurities Services
CTO - Lagardère Shareholder Relations Department Grands Moulins de Pantin 9 rue du Débarcadère 93761 Pantin Cedex - France
Tel: +33 (0)1 57 43 34 00

Photo credits: Asterix® - Obelix® - Idefix®/2019 Les Éditions Albert René/Goscinny - Uderzo; Gilles Bassignac/ Lagardère; Julien Baudin; Julian Calder; Olivier Corsan; Éric Couderc/Hachette Livre; Dahmane/Lagardère; DR; Fanny Duprès/Lagardère; Christophe Fillieule; Jacques Grison/Lagardère; Jacques Grison/Lagardère Travel Retail; JFA - Luc Boegly; Lagardère Travel Retail; Jérôme Léglise/Lagardère Travel Retail; Lit Ma; Léa Parvery/Abbaye aux Dames; Julien Philippy/Lagardère Travel Retail; Luigi de Pompeis; Olivier Roller; Celeste Sloman; Studio Falour; Alexandre Surre/Lagardère; Loreto Varela -; Vienna Airport.
Designed and published: Sugar, Pepper & Salt
Document prepared by the Corporate Communications Department
© Lagardère - April 2020