1.3 Organisation chart – Principal subsidiaries – Relations between the parent company and subsidiaries

Lagardère SCA’s role in respect of its subsidiaries is described in section 3.2, below, and in the Lagardère SCA Company financial statements (including the notes) in sections 5.4 and 5.5. In addition, note 5 to Lagardère SCA’s consolidated financial statements also includes segment information, by division and by geography.

As indicated in section 3.2 on the Group’s organisational structure, Lagardère SCA is a holding company.
The Group operates through subsidiaries that are wholly owned by Lagardère Media, which is itself wholly owned by Lagardère SCA.
These operating units are:

  • Hachette Livre: a French holding company for the Lagardère Publishing division;
  • Lagardère Travel Retail: a French holding company for the Lagardère Travel Retail division;
  • Lagardère Live Entertainment: a French holding company for the Entertainment division;
  • Lagardère Active: a French holding company consolidating the business operations of:
    • Lagardère News ;
    • Lagardère Studios.
  • Lagardère Sports and Entertainment: a French holding company for the sports-related activities.

A detailed list of the Group’s 617 consolidated subsidiaries and their locations is provided in note 39 to the consolidated financial statements. Details of the positions held in these subsidiaries by Lagardère SCA corporate officers are presented in sections 2.3 and 2.4 of this Universal Registration Document.
The Group’s economic organisation (i.e., the breakdown of business activities by segment) is described in section 1.4. There is no significant functional dependency between the Group’s various entities.
Section 1.4 presents the businesses carried out by the principal Group subsidiaries and affiliates, and the key consolidated financial information concerning these companies is reported in the notes to the consolidated financial statements (note 5 – Segment information). The Group has not identified any cases where access to its consolidated subsidiaries’ results is restricted.
Lastly, the amount and nature of the financial transactions between Lagardère SCA and Group subsidiaries are described in section 2.8 below.