Note 17 - Intangible assets


  Intangible assets with
indefinite useful lives
Intangible assets with
finite useful lives
Other Sports rights Concession
Other Total
At 1 January 2018 119 188 460 863 499 2 129
Acquisitions - - - - 19 19
Changes in scope of consolidation - 20 - 121 (18) 123
Disposals/Derecognition (29) 10 - - (31) (50)
Cash flow from (used in) discontinued operations - (3) 105 - 1 103
Assets held for sale (59) (39) - - (134) (232)
Reclassifications 10 (6) - (2) 17 19
Translation adjustments - 3 - 12 - 15
At 31 December 2018 41 173 565 994 353 2 126
Acquisitions - 3 - - 19 22
Changes in scope of consolidation - 31 - 200 11 242
Disposals/Derecognition - - - (2) (24) (26)
Discontinued operations - (2) (557) - (16) (575)
Assets held for sale - (4) - - 5 1
Reclassifications (1) (23) - (1) 2 (23)
Translation adjustments - 4 - 10 6 20
At 31 December 2019 40 182 8 1 201 356 1 787

Amortisation and impairment losses

  Intangible assets with
indefinite useful lives
Intangible assets with
finite useful lives
Other Sports rights Concession
Other Total
At 1 January 2018 (61) (45) (365) (244) (356) (1 071)
Amortisation - - - (59) (24) (83)
Impairment losses - (1) - - (1) (2)
Changes in scope of consolidation - - - - 16 16
Disposals/Derecognition 19 - - - 31 50
Cash flow from (used in) discontinued operations - - 15 - (1) 14
Assets held for sale 6 16 - - 125 147
Reclassifications - (2) - - 4 2
Translation adjustments - (1) - (3) 1 (3)
At 31 December 2018 (36) (33) (350) (306) (205) (930)
Amortisation - (1) - (79) (27) (107)
Impairment losses - - - (1) - (1)
Changes in scope of consolidation - - - - (3) (3)
Disposals/Derecognition - - - 2 21 23
Discontinued operations - 2 342 - 10 354
Assets held for sale - 1 - - (2) (1)
Reclassifications 1 19 - - - 20
Translation adjustments - (1) - (3) (3) (7)
At 31 December 2019 (35) (13) (8) (387) (209) (652)

Carrying amounts

At 31 December 2018 5 140 215 688 148 1 196
At 31 December 2019 5 169 - 814 147 1 135

See note 10 for a breakdown by CGU of intangible assets with indefinite useful lives.